Your Word...

Your words, your questions, your opinion, your testimonials.... all welcome... :)

Just post your comment below. You need to have a google account (gmail) or OpenID account (LiveJournal, WordPress, TypePad, AIM) to leave your comment. Alternatively email me with your comment and I will post it here. Thanks. xx


Joanna said...

Hi,Marlena. Thank you so much for a fabulous hair cut! The way you showed me how to "mend" my thin hair it gave me much of confidence. I now what to do if I go partying or to work. Will call soon for another relaxing treatment. Best of luck, Joanna- Polyanna Designs

sylvia said...

Hi Marlena, Thank you so much for doing such an amazing job on my hair. I would like to recommend Marlena to anyone who wants a special look. Sylvia

Sabina said...

Hi. Thank you Marlena for the best work on my hair.
PS.She spend more than 6 hours to try repair what someone has botched before. She was very precise, it was very difficult job to do and she has done it perfect! ;))